Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Emmanuel - Yesterday, Today and Forever
The passage in Isaiah where the child, Emmanuel, is named has affected me deeply. Most of us are familiar with the translation Emmanuel means "God with us." Have you considered what this meant to Ahaz and the people of Judah when Isaiah first mentioned the Redeemer's name?
First remember that the people of Jehovah God were in need of a protector, a "big guy" to on their side. In the numerous battles that occur in the pages of the Old Testament, one link ties them together - God was with his people even when their faith wavered. Even in the times that God allowed His people to be oppressed, His ultimate plan for their redemption was on His mind. Emmanuel, God with us, is a display of God's eternal faithfulness to redeem, even when things look bad.
Of course, we have the added blessing of knowing that Jesus Christ is the culmination of the Emmanuel prophecy. "God with us" in human form as a babe in Bethlehem. The gospel of Matthew makes it clear that Jesus is Emmanuel. He will be the Prince of Peace - a peace that the people of God had been waiting for.
But Jesus did not stop there. He took the meaning of God with us to a whole new level. Not only did He live a perfect life and died to set us free from the power of sin, He gave us another gift. For believers, the Spirit of this Redeemer lives in us.
Emmanuel. God with us. Then and now. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
God be with you this week as many of you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Redeemer!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Trip to Fort Sill
We will be visiting the Ft Sill PWOC program on December 18th. Those who would like to carpool or caravan should meet at the North Chapel parking lot at 8:15am. There is also a carpool leaving from Burkburnett. Watchcare is available with a reservation. Email safbpwocspirituallife@live.com to let us know you plan to attend and if you need care for children.
Check out Ft Sill's blog on the sidebar under links.
Looking forward to seeing all of you soon! Remember the Bible study potluck for both groups this Thursday.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
December Program

Sheppard PWOC welcomes Patsy Dooley, December 4th at 6pm. I checked out Patsy online and found out some interesting things about this Christian speaker who combines her faith with humor. I hear she's got a great story about a helicopter ride that will make you split a seam!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Blog Scavenger Hunt
- Find out what's going on December 18.
- Find out who made an awesome mosaic of our PWOC logo.
- Find the link to the Central Region blog. When you get there, find who is pictured from Sheppard AFB wearing a sombrero.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Note from Cheryl
Wow ladies! The PWOC International Conference 2008 in Grapevine is now part of history and were we ever blessed!! What an awesome privilege it was to join with over a thousand other women from all over the United States, the Pacific and Europe at our Redeemer’s feet.
The teaching and worship ministries of Lisa Harper and Kathleen Carnali were uplifting and life-changing. I know the workshops I attended on marriage, parenting, and leadership development challenged me to better serve God in these areas, but also equipped me to do just that.
During our Central region bonding time I was proud to share that Sheppard brought 25 ladies to conference, including 4 chaplain’s wives as well as our supportive and brave Chaplain advisor. We also recognized our Ft. Sill sisters whom we desire to partner with as we grow in unity and love.
Finally, my heart was encouraged as I spent time connecting with our wonderful women from Sheppard and reconnecting with many special women in my life that I haven’t seen in awhile – my first grade teacher whom I met up with a few years ago through PWOC, a sweet Chaplain’s wife who I served with in Mothers of Preschoolers and a number of very special mentors who have touched my life and helped me be where I am today. A number of times I overheard someone say “This is just a little taste of what heaven must be like!”
God is good and Regional Conference 2009 is just a year away ladies so mark your calendars now for 5-8 Nov at the Windermere Conference Center in Lake of the Ozarks ,MO and be prepared for a little heaven on earth!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
PWOC Mosaic

After a lovely conversation at her dining room table, she agreed to create this beautiful custom piece just for ME!
Of course, I shared this with a few of my closest friends and now several people want them, too.
This particular "trivet" is 6.5" X 6.5" and is trimmed in wood. There are hangers on the back so I can put it on the wall or just use it in a display stand. The logo has been handcrafted, painted, and fired in Carol's own kiln. God has blessed this amazing woman!
If you are interested in having your own PWOC mosaic, you may comment on this post. I paid $25 plus tax. If you live outside the area, shipping costs will apply. You can also visit www.carolcastro.net
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thank you to Lisa for a great lesson about the "MUSTS of Thanksgiving. " We will be approaching our holiday season remembering what God has done for us, talking the talk, and walking the walk.
Many of us will be visiting family over the Thanksgiving break. Amid the pumpkin pie and endless football, we offer the witness of Christ to those we spend time with. Will you make Jesus the center of your thanks?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sheppard PWOC T-Shirts
This Saturday morning from 9-11am the RE building will be open for us to continue working on T-shirts. Don't be scared! I know YOU can paint one too! We have several ladies who are willing to guide you through the process and empower you to create your your own bundle of wheat.
The back of the shirt says "Meet me at the threshing floor!" I'd like to share two thoughts about this statement. First, the threshing floor is where Ruth went to submit herself to the leadership of Boaz. She entered with anticipation, confidence and peace about her future. Just like Ruth, we come to our Redeemer with those same feelings. We pray with expectation that He will hear and answer. We find peace at His feet.
Second, we recognize the purpose of the threshing floor was to get rid of the chaff from the usable wheat. As we meet Christ at the threshing floor, we ask Him to strip us of the chaff of our own sin. Sometimes that process is difficult, but the result if the sanctification of our lives.
I pray that each of you are able to petition the Lord to meet you at the threshing floor. He will dust off the burden you carry and cover you with His promises.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Be Blessed!
As I was browsing through photos (the digital kind on my computer), I found images from our Traveling Training this summer. I realized that photos not only remind us of past events, bu they also stir up feelings and memories beyond the given image. For example, the picture at the right was taken during our discussion about making people feel welcome. We also talked about PWOC "moments" when you see someone you knew at another installation.
Since this is our first active duty assignment, I cannot completely understand this "moment", but I long to have those bonds with ladies at Sheppard and other bases as we continue our military journey.
This year's International Conference is one more step in that journey. I am excited about seeing other ladies and sharing that PWOC moment and a great big hug!
Which Sisters are you looking forward to seeing in Ft Worth? DeEtta, I'm going to be watching for you! Carol, Deb, Diane - and all the ladies I met at the Ft. Leavenworth Leadership Weekend - let's have a "moment" in the lobby!
As you look forward to November's Conference, think about those relationships God has brought into your life for every season - and be blessed!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Who Am I?
So what good is it to be the daughter of the king? I encourage you to pray this week about your role as heir to the kingdom.
Your Father's appointment calendar always has space for His favorite child. Will you enter the throne room and make your requests known? Do you use your "clout" with the supreme ruler, to seek forgiveness and amnesty when you've made errors?
As a "Princess" you can walk with your head held high. No matter what the tabloids print, your Father knows the truth. You are precious simply because of WHO you are. Often the outside world does not comprehend what goes on in kingdom thinking.
Today and every day, I hope that you will see yourself as the daughter of the Most High God. He will empower you to grow into your role as his beloved heir.
And if you see me at Walmart, don't forget to cursty!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I Smirked at God
How foolish I was. Honestly, God knows what we need more than we do ourselves. He is compassionately opening my heart and showing my need to be "break free" from some of my own issues. I may not have deep emotional wounds or traumatic life experiences, but my heart is still captive to things like pride and insecurity. God knew.
How often do we tell God we don't want to do something because we think WE know best? I am grateful that He carefully nudges us toward His will. I pray that as you seek Him this week, that you will be open to His call.
I smirked at God. What will you do?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Craisin Scones
1/3 cup firm margarine or butter
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup "Craisins" or chopped dried fruit
1/3 cup Bakers white chocolate chunks
1 3/4 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
approximately 1/3 cup half and half (don't add all at once)
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Cut margarine into flour, sugar, baking powder and salt using two knives criss-crossing each other until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in dried fruit and chocolate. Knead lightly about ten times and pat our into 8" circle on an ungreased cookie sheet. Cut into 8 wedges but do not separate. sprinkle with sugar. Bake 16-18 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately remove from cookie sheet and carefully separate wedges. Serve warm.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Letter from Sheppard PWOC President
Dear PWOC Ladies,
God is good and I can’t thank Him enough for all He is doing among us and for us! Over the summer we have enjoyed three very successful “Stay Connected” events that allowed us to fellowship and develop our relationships with one another. The daytime Bible study Simply Relevant led by Casey was a true blessing of spiritual refreshment as we learned to rest in Jesus, reflect, rejoice and be renewed in God’s love. And finally we experienced a very inspirational and powerful day of training that laid a firm foundation for what God wants to accomplish this year! To Him be the glory!
As this summer comes to a close and we prepare for a change in seasons, I encourage each of us to let “the Lord make us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image “ (2 Cor 3:18, NLT) Thank you Lord that I am not who I used to be – I am redeemed! To be conformed to His image, we must be conformed to His word, spending time with Him and his people. Our first monthly fellowship is just days away as we kickoff another great PWOC year! Women can find a Bible study that meets their needs and schedule as well as receive encouragement to live a life that pleases and honors God! I sincerely hope you will come out to be a part of what God is doing and invite that sister you know needs to be there. You won’t be disappointed!
I’m expecting great things from God this year and from each of you my sisters as you strive to be an absolute reflection of the Christ who saved you and brought you into His kingdom for His divine purpose at this time and in this place! So join me…..
At His feet,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
One thing that God impressed upon me was His desire to call ALL women to Himself. In small groups we discussed the culture specific to the military. In teaching, Beth shared her experiences in groups with a foundation in many age groups, multiple ethnic backgrounds and a blend of ranks. Over and over, I heard the words that PWOC reaches women of many backgrounds.
Through it all, I felt God leading me to Galatians 3:26-28 which says, "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus."
What does this mean to PWOC?
It means that whether you are married or single, PWOC can be your source of fellowship.
Whether you are young or... mature, God has a Word for you in PWOC.
Whether you are a mother or a grandmother or a wife with no children, God wants to bless you through the ministry PWOC offers.
Whether you are active duty military or a dependent or a civilian, PWOC embraces you with compassion.
Whether you are hurting or burdened or fearful, God works through PWOC to offer strength and support - a lifeline in a troubled time.
Our oneness in Christ is what makes us sisters. And sister, I am already praying for you as you read this that you will know how much God cares for you.
Blessings to You, My Sister!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fall Bible Studies Coming Soon
In this spirit, God has led us to some wonderful Bible studies to offer. Start praying now about which one God wants you to be involved in. There are many choices for our many women of all walks of life.
The Thursday morning group will meet at 9am for a short time of worship and fellowship. At 9:20 we will move into our small groups for study.
One group will be sharing Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs featuring fiction and Biblical selections about all kinds of women in scripture. The other small group will be studying the book of Hebrews in Holding Out for a Hero by our International conference speaker, Lisa Harper. Both small groups will end at 10:45 with more time for fellowship and prayer.
Our Thursday evening group will meet at 6:30pm each week except on Program nights. We will begin with a short time of fellowship and worship and break into small groups at 6:50.
Breaking Free by Beth Moore will delve into past pain and unhealthy habits that keep us from being free in Christ. We pray that you will find healing a peace as God restores you through this study.
The other small group will participate two short studies, each six weeks long allowing newcomers and busy women to find a place to experience PWOC. The first study will be Your Signature Fragrance by Christina Wood exploring our personal value as a woman in the body of Christ. In October, we will pick up The Esteemed Journey by Susan Andringa and discover our full worth in the journey God has set before us.
All of our studies this year will meet in the Religious Education building to accommodate multiple groups and children's activities. Books are provided free of charge, but donations are always welcome!
Questions or concerns? Feel free to email me at safbpwocspirituallife@live.com
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Recipe Everyone Asks About
The Texas Caviar dip for tortilla chips goes like this:
Pour three cans of blackeyed peas and two cans of mild Rotel in a colander to drain. Pour into a large bowl with two chopped avocados, one chopped onion, one chopped bell pepper and one bottle of Wishbone House Italian dressing. Stir it up and serve. It keeps great in the refrigerator for a couple of days, too!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I came to this realization that God's grace overflows daily. It's not just barely enough. It's more than I can wrap my mind around. That IS encouragement and hope and strength to get me through my day. If there's something to rejoice about, it is God's grace!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Summer Bible Study
I am so thrilled about this week's lesson. Those of you who are traveling this summer, or you are new to Sheppard, don't worry! Each lesson for the summer study stands alone so if you miss one - it's okay! We will always have room a the table for you!
We are meeting in the Religious Education bldg (#962) which is next to Family Readiness between 9th and 10th streets. This is a great location for us because we have space for kids! Those of you with small children are encouraged to let us know you are coming so we can have plenty of craft supplies and snacks. Also, we have access to a variety of rooms for additional Bible studies in the fall.
So, come on out and join us this Thursday morning at 9am. You'll be refreshed and renewed.