Saturday, January 31, 2009

January Project Day

WOW! What a wonderful turnout we had for making chocolate spoons! There were 17 volunteers who helped make these tasty treats for the National Prayer Breakfast. We melted. We drizzled. We chilled. We wrapped. And of course a lovely lunch provided by Cheryl was a big hit.

The PWOC and the Catholic parish are helping to provide decorations and goodies for the tables in the banquet hall. Several of our ladies will also be serving a lovely breakfast to the Rider High School choir following their performance on Tuesday morning.

Keira and Jaela fill spoons.

Mother Gladys, Cheryl, Susan, Casey, Melissa, and Katie get into the action. We've got quite an efficient assembly line going!

Expert ribbon cutters - Susan and Tori get ready for the mad rush of spoons that will need blue and white bows.

Thanks for being involved in a super project!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm so glad you checked in to the blog today! I am bubbling over with amazement at how wonderful God is as He uses us to accomplish His will. Look what He's done this week -

Crystal led our evening study with grace and confidence. We are so excited about the opportunity we have to share this journey.

Our morning ladies offered to take prayer requests home to lift up all through the week. WOW! What a wonderful commitment to support the women God has placed in your path.

Wonderful women from our group have been kept safe during their travels on land and sea... You know who you are! (And none of us are jealous... probably.)

Our Program team, led by Donna, are gearing up for an amazing program February 5th. We are already thankful for the way God is going to bless us!

New ladies are joining the Stepping Up study each week. We now have 34 women attending. An awesome testimony to the direction God is leading us - closer to Him day by day.

What has God done for YOU this week? Give a shout out by commenting on this post. WE want to share in the blessing!

**You dont have to register in order to comment. You have the option of just leaving your name.)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Who Loves Chocolate?!?!

The National Prayer Breakfast is fast approaching and the ladies of the chapel have been asked to help with several projects. The biggest and most exciting project is all about CHOCOLATE!

We will be gathering at the Religious Education Building on January 31 from 10am until 2pm to make chocolate covered spoons for the guests at the breakfast. If you've ever had a chocolate covered spoon to stir in your coffee or cocoa, you know how delicious they are. We'll have an assembly line for dipping, chilling, wrapping and tying bows on the spoons as well as several smaller projects.

Of course, we'll listen to some great worship music and have time to visit with one another. Space for children will be limited, but available upon request. A potluck lunch will keep us all happy till every last spoon has been dipped.

Email for more info.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Bible Study

Many of you are already registered for our Beth Moore study that begins tomorrow, Jan 15. There are 30 of you attending! I am so excited about the journey we will share as we grow closer to God.

One of the PWOC Aims is to INVOLVE ladies in the ministry of the chapel. For the next eight weeks, we are enlisting the help of assistant leaders who will help with setup, discussion, and prayer. Would you life to share your gifts and talents for one of the upcoming weeks? Maybe you would like to prepare a dessert to share or a short devotion. Call or email with your schedule preference or sign up at Bible study. Thank you to Kaitlyn, Keira, Susan, Donna, Crystal, and Anita who have already agreed to help!

Blessings to you as you prepare your hearts to hear the Word.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions create quite a stir this time of year. Television news programs dedicate time to offer strategies for being successful. Pastors prepare sermons about how to be more Christ-like in 2009.

Health concerns seem to top the list of resolutions. Last night at a party, a friend of mine shared that she had started a new diet so was unable to enjoy the hors d'ourves. Too bad. They were really good!

Something happen when we take time to reflect on the past. We evaluate our progress. We examine our strengths and weaknesses. When the people of Israel contemplated on their journey, they acknowledged God's acts of mercy and compassion. Have you considered evaluating the past year by God's faithfulness rather than your own successes or failures?

When we take into account the hand of God in our past, it is easier to look forward with the same eyes. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God knows the plans He has for us to give us a future and a hope. When I think about what I will resolve to do (or not do) in 2009, I submit myself to the plans that God for me.

This could still mean that eating healthy food and exercise are part of God's plan for me. I might give up a bad habit, or be a safer driver. But more importantly, how will I be focused on being conformed to the image of Christ?

Casey's New Year's Resolutions:
  • I will spend more time encouraging others.
  • I will seek God's will in my daily schedule with willingness to say "no" to some events that God wants me to step back from.
  • I will communicate my faith to my children, friends, and family instead of simply "thinking about it."