Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Studies Coming Soon!

Our recent study by Beth Moore has been so wonderful. Kaitlyn, Crystal, Donna and all of their assistants have blessed us so much as they lead us through the Psalms of Ascent. Many of you have shared how God has spoken to you through this study. Please leave a comment on this post for all to read. Others will take delight in knowing how you have been blessed!

We have two exciting studies coming March 12 and volunteer opportunities abound! We are looking for ladies to sign up to help with refreshments and watchcare. Would you be willing to sign up for one week this spring? Be praying about how you can help.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

I have several calendars, a stack of post it notes and a car full of junk to show all of my Martha personality. But how do I schedule those Mary moments? One way is by setting aside time for prayer, study and worship. This season in PWOC we are going to share Mary Moments as a group on Thursdays during out study and fellowship time. Then we'll encourage each other to make time in our busy lives to sit at the feet of Christ in a daily time of prayer.

Mothering Without Guilt

When I was pregnant with our first child, I was certain that I'd never say "No" to her. She'd just want to do the right thing. I would also puree my own babyfood, use cloth diapers (long before the cool ones they have now), and dress her in stylish clothes. When reality hit, I felt like a failure. What choices were the right ones? I spent time feeling guilty that other moms were doing a better job than I was. Or even worse - feeling a sense of pride that I was better than other moms.
Let's talk about being godly mothers and encourage one another in making the best choices for our families. New and experienced moms encouraged to attend.